The best interior designers in Spain

Selection of the best Spanish decorators and interior designers.

Creativity, ingenuity or sensitivity when creating designs are some of the words that define a good interior designer. Below, we have made a list of those we consider to be the best interior designers in Spain today based on their projects, careers or vision of the future. There is a lot of talent in our country!

Lázaro Rosa-Violán.

Founder of the interior design studio Contemporain Studio, he is one of the most talked about names in recent years within the world of interior design at a national level. Known for his fascination with lamps and for using a neoclassical style, he stands out for having his own stamp and creating unique spaces capable of transmitting emotions.

His milestones include having created projects for notable entities such as the Pulitzer hotel chain, the Madrid hotel Only You, the Platea gastronomic multispace in Madrid, the DiverXo restaurant by chef David Muñoz and chain stores such as Oysho, Pull&Bear or Lefties.

Interioristas de España Lázaro, visión restaurante.
Interiorismo de bar realizado por interiorista Lázaro

Patricia Urquiola.

Asturian by birth, she trained in architecture and design at the Polytechnic University of Madrid and completed her studies at the Polytechnic University of Milan, having as a mentor one of the pillars of Italian design, Achille Castiglioni. This interior designer and product designer began her career working as a product design manager at De Padova. Until 2001, he founded the interior design studio Urquiola Studios, based in Milan, where up to 700 people work, carrying out hundreds of projects for Italy and Spain.

This studio operates mainly in the sectors of industrial product, architecture, art direction and strategic consultancy, having as recent works in the architecture sector the renovation of the Il Sereno Hotel in Como, Hotel Mandarin Oriental in Barcelona, ​​Oasia Hotel Downtown in Singapore or showrooms and facilities for BMW, Officine Panerai and H&M Italia, among many others.

At the same time, it has its own line of furniture products, exhibiting some of these products in different museums such as MoMA, the Museum of Decorative Arts in Paris or the Design Museum in Zurich.

Zona exposición de Patricia Urquiola
Interioritas Españoles trabajo de restaurante moderno

Laura Yerpes.

20 years of experience guarantee the work of this interior designer at a national level. After several years of working with the Porcelanosa group, the LY Interior Design Studio opened its doors in 2005 with the aim of creating new spaces capable of shining with their own light, becoming one of the most accredited studios in the Valencian Community today.

Specialized in Project Design and Construction Management, this Valencian professional works on high-quality projects such as luxury villas, hotels, apartments or homes, among others. It operates mainly on the Mediterranean coast, although it also carries out projects in the city of Madrid, having its new headquarters there. Its differentiating factor is the vision of fusing exclusive design with sustainable design, as well as tailored style and treatment with its clients.

Laura Yerpes has appeared in numerous national design magazines such as Hola!, Nuevo Estilo, Casa Actual and Decoesfera. She has also been selected as one of the design talents of the Valencian Community by the international platform Houzz.

Diferentes estancias, y pasillo interioristas Laura Yerpes
Proyecto interiorismo en salón comedor
Vista comedor de lujo interiorismo.
Interiorismo cocina con comedor

Lorenzo Castillo.

One of the most famous Spanish decorators internationally. Interested in the world of antiques since his childhood, he studied Art History at the Complutense University of Madrid and later specialized in Decorative Arts, allowing him to be an undisputed reference in his area. A prodigy of classical fusion, he began selling antiques that he acquired around the world, until over time, he managed to succeed thanks to his groundbreaking mind by using neoclassical touches in his projects.

The project that opened the doors to the world was decorating the Loewe stores on Gran Vía in Madrid. Later, he also designed those in Hong Kong and Singapore, as well as carrying out projects of such caliber as the Costume Museum in Madrid, the complete renovation of the Room Mate hotel chain or even the decoration of the Prado Museum and Cibeles for the wedding. of at that time Prince Felipe VI, current king of Spain.

In his recent achievements, he has managed to be on the cover of Vanity Fair magazine and redesign the Santo Mauro Palacio Hotel.

Interiorismo de tienda de ropa moderna.
Interiorismo de restaurante estilo clásico.

Pascua Ortega.

Belonging to a family with great interest in the decorative arts, this Barcelonan is considered one of the great references of interior design at a national level. Also known as the “great deco master”, he connected with the world of decoration by working as a financier in New York City, fascinated by office decoration. This dazzle made him leave the business sector and create his own interior design studio in 1977.

Specialized in projects of various types such as banks, offices, embassies or homes, among other types of facilities, he defends “high decoration” wherever he goes. And it is no wonder, it has been awarded by numerous entities such as AD España and the Conde de los Andes Award, member of honor for the College of Decorators of Madrid or even in 2000 the “Pascua Ortega Award for Interior Design” was established, awarded in the Casa Decor interior design platform to architecture students.

Habitación estilo clásico diseñada por Pascual Ortega
Habitación salón clásico diseñado por Pascual Ortega

Isabel López-Quesada.

Named “interior designer to watch” four times in the interior design magazine AD España, this artist realized from a very young age that her vocation was to create unique spaces capable of transmitting stories. For this reason, he decided to train in architecture and interior design, and founded his own interior design studio in 1983, which has been consolidating and acquiring prestigious clients over the years. Influenced by her experiences and sensitivity, she formed her own personal style capable of enchanting large corporations such as White&Cash, Iberia and British Airways that have wanted to collaborate with her. In 2018 she launched her own book titled “At Home” where the interior designer tells her own story talking about her family, her origins, places of reference and spaces in her own home.

Decoración clásica interiorista López Quesada Salón
Salón comedor interiorismo realizado por López Quesada

Luisa Olazabal.

Icon of national interior design, he has positioned his name within the interior design sector in Spain thanks to his personal timeless style. Creator of the Luisa Olázabal architecture studio, she is the architect, together with her large interdisciplinary team of 25 professionals, of different interior design, decoration and landscaping projects. As a present goal of carrying out sustainable projects, this designer specializes in residential, currently working for Spain, Belgium and England. Attentive to details, she designs some of the most sophisticated and cosmopolitan residential areas in the city of Madrid. And no wonder, she was one of the protagonists of the latest edition of AD España magazine “The 100 talents that will shine the most in 2022”, in addition to appearing in other large specialized media such as Elle Decoration, Telva and Casa&Campo.

Sala de estar en vivienda de lujo, decoración moderna.
Decoración realizada en sala de estar por Luisa Olazabal.

Beatriz Silveira

Lover of art, the environment, clothing and architecture, this professional came to the world of interior design by condition. Specialized in interior design, she opened her interior design and decoration studio Beatriz Silveira Estudio in 2005. Passionate about antiques and objects with personality, she advocates an interior design style capable of fusing this more traditional side with an avant-garde and functional vision. In its projects, created especially for homes and residential buildings, the know-how capable of offering spaces that transmit stories, strength, harmony and warmth stands out. He defines the secret of his success as the way he connects with his clients, which has allowed him to consolidate his name and appear in large specialized media such as AD España, Nuevo Estilo, El Mueble or Telva, among others.

Zona sala de estar en tonos claros sofás y butacas
Decoración e interiorismo zona de estar.

Tomás Alía.

Considered “The architect of light”, this Toledo professional is esteemed as one of the most prestigious architects at a national and international level. Coming from a family of artists and craftsmen, he knew from a young age that he was interested in the world of interior design and giving life to new spaces. Founder of the multidisciplinary studio Estudio Caramba, he stands out for designing projects capable of having a futuristic, functional and sustainable look. In the beginning, he began to stand out by carrying out projects for nightclubs such as Moma 56 or Bangaloo. Over the years he gained recognition, until his greatest recent successes were the design of the Royal Palace Qatar, the interior design for rest areas and offices in the Qatar Foundation Stadium, the Room Mate hotel chain or the Larios Café cocktail bar in Madrid. . In 2019 he obtained an award from Casa Decor in honor of his transcendent career in the interior design sector in Spain.

Zona Restaurante con mesas sillas y sofás modernos
Imagen recibidor negocio tonos dorados y azules.

What is the role of women in the world of interior design?

Although throughout history the role of women in the world of design and interior design has often been relegated to the background, giving only prominence to men in many of the decorative projects worldwide, It should be noted that the contributions of women have been essential to experience the type of interior design that we know today..

Some of the women who managed to set trends in times when the position of working women was not so valued or with high competition from designer and interior designer studios made up entirely of men. The history of feminine interior design begins with the interior designer Syrie Maugham (1920-1930), who favored the color white in interior design at a time when dark colors predominated in the 1930s. Also considered a precursor of modern architecture, Charlotte Perriand. Or Greta Grossman, who was the architect of the Scandinavian furniture style reaching Hollywood and expanding internationally in the mid-20th century.

At the national level, Matilde Ucelay was the first Spanish qualified architect, carrying out more than 120 artistic projects throughout her career.

However, many of the current female professionals in the sector say that fortunately they have not had to suffer gender discrimination in their work because they believe that it is a job where creativity and ingenuity are more rewarded.

Proyecto habitación realizado por Syrie Maugham
Syrie Maugham pionera del interiorismo en el mundo y uno de sus proyectos realizado en los años 30.

Interior design is the artistic and professional discipline dedicated to the conditioning and decoration of interior spaces in architecture. But beyond this, interior design is the ability to know how to reinterpret a space thinking about the personality, functionality and well-being of people. But, what factors determine good interior design? Who have set the standards in interior design at a national level? Which interior designers will define the direction of design in Spain in the future? Stay reading this article to learn everything about this fascinating world.

First of all, we must make clear some basic concepts: the differences between the concepts of interior design and decoration. While interior design seeks to properly condition the space, decoration requires the combination of material elements, therefore it can be said that decoration is a technique that is part of interior design.

Originally, the interior design technique began to be used in Ancient Egypt when the pharaohs and high elites decorated their tombs and coffins in an ostentatious and exclusive way. Over time, this concept evolved until the incorporation of its own rooms assigned to different functionalities during the Roman Empire. Along its history, This decorative art was merely used by the upper classes like nobility or aristocracy, until After the Second World War, the concept of individualism became popular, resulting in more people choosing to personally design their spaces based on their personality, tastes, interests and values..

Today, the most used styles in interior design internationally are contemporary style, industrial style, minimalist, rustic, Nordic or classic style, among others. On the other hand, the most requested projects for interior design studios are the renovations of homes, hotels, restaurants, buildings and commercial premises. The interests and values ​​of each client must be closely attended to in order to provide an excellent final product in accordance with the request.

1-jardines del turia

How to define a good interior design project

Homes are there to be enjoyed, lived and felt, which is why they have to be functional and designed to create environments that invite you to use them. A good interior design project needs, as a first step, to define the main objective of the work, this being a fundamental step for the proper development of the entire program. It is also important to be clear about the space to be used and the opportunities it may present. For its correct reinterpretation, you must think about the colors, textures and decorative elements to use. The choice of floor or the type of lighting are also important factors that define much of the final appearance, so these details must be carefully considered and choose the one that best suits.

And what defines a good interior designer? A good interior designer is defined by his ability to transform reality into new spaces capable of satisfying the needs of his clients. The first fundamental aspect that an interior designer must have is to believe in their dream and their talent. Leave behind fear or what people will say and bet on what you believe. Furthermore, at a technical level, a good interior designer must be able to know what his client needs, but at the same time know how to recognize the opportunities that the space presents. It is recommended that you be up to date with current trends in the market, but at the same time have the vision to be able to put your own stamp on the design and create a unique space in accordance with what is requested. Furthermore, as a professional you must be accessible in terms of schedules, be punctual with the established dates and have the ability to offer a budget adapted to what is required.

Vista frontal Vivienda de lujo iluminada de noche.
Arquitectura e interiorismo para Villa Mediterránea. Un proyecto de Laura Yerpes estudio.

Is there an interior design culture in Spain?

Over the past few decades, more and more people have realized the importance of customization and design in homes, commercial spaces and hotels. Many of these subjects were originally reluctant to commit to these decorative changes, until with the passage of time they realized the opportunity of creating unique spaces conditioned to the values ​​and characteristics of the place capable of making a difference.

In terms of coverage and recognition, there are a large number of magazines and digital media specialized in architecture, interior design and decoration at a national level that interview and recommend trends, styles and people to follow, creating a larger community of people. interested in this sector. Some examples of them are AD España, Arquitectura y Diseño, YellowTraceyProyecto Contract.

At the same time, there is a long list of ceremonies where excellence and innovation in the field of architecture and interior design are rewarded, such as the annual AD Awards, Casa Decor Awards, Ceramic Awards, FAD Awards or the prestigious National Innovation and Design Award in the professional category presided over by the king of Spain.


Our selection of the best interior design studios in Spain has been carefully made to present our readers with a broad and global perspective of the latest in architecture and design trends.

You can contact LY, Laura Yerpes’ interior design studio through our telephone number: 963 288 830. We can help you with your project.

Thanks for getting here. Laura Yerpes

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